6 Easy Tips on Bread and Cheese Pairings (TASTY)

Tips on Bread and Cheese Pairings - Cheese Origin

There are many different kinds of bread ranging from traditional baguettes, and brioche to ciabatta and multigrain loaves.

The truth is, there is no rule as to what bread goes well with cheese so we basically tried all the breads and cheeses that we enjoy and went through the regular trial-and-error to determine their complementary.

The most important tip after many years of experimentation is this:
Serve what you like BEST and EXPERIMENT because breads and cheeses are way easier to pair compared to wine.

Interested in wine and cheese pairings? Check out this article: How to Pair Cheese With Wine (GUIDE)

Nevertheless, we still have 6 incredibly useful tips on bread and cheese pairings if you want absolute certainty.

Farmhouse Bread Works With All Cheeses

Farmhouse bread (aka pain de campagne) goes well with ALL cheeses ranging from the mild and softest to the intense and flavorful.

Traditional Baguettes and Soft Rinds

Baguette is extremely delicious with soft rinds such as Brie, Camembert, and even Chèvre.

There is something magical about the creamy softness of the cheese and the crusty bread. The contrasts work perfectly well together.

Bonus tip: Try a wholegrain baguette
It will bring even more flavor.

European Rye Bread and Blues

European Rye bread (aka pain de seigle) is surprisingly delicious with blue cheeses such as Roquefort and Gorgonzola.

The dense and mild sour rye is the perfect complement to blues’ tangy aromas.

Figs or Raisins Fruit Bread and Salty Cheeses

The sweet dried fruit in bread somehow brings a delicious contrast that matches the salty cheeses beautifully. Fruit bread can help express the pungency of blue cheeses.

Nut Bread with ‘Fruit’ Cheeses

Hazelnut and walnut bread partner strongly with ‘fruit’ cheeses such as Beaufort, Comté, and Tomme des Pyrénées.

Olive Bread with Fresh Cheese

Olive and olive oil bread intensify the lactic aromas of all fresh cheeses regardless if they are made from goat’s, cow’s, or sheep’s milk.

Also read: 4 Common Types of Animal’s Milk Used to Make Cheese

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