Why do the French Like Raw Milk Cheese?

Why do the French Like Raw Milk Cheese? - Cheese Origin (UPDATED)

If you’ve ever savored a piece of creamy, potent Camembert or indulged in the rich, earthy flavors of a Roquefort, then you have tasted the magic of raw milk cheese. This staple of French cuisine has been part of the country’s food heritage for centuries, and its significance extends far beyond the dinner table.

Raw milk cheese is made with milk that has not been pasteurized, allowing it to retain the natural flavors and fragrances of the local grasses and flowers on which the animals grazed.

It’s not just about taste, though. Raw milk cheeses are deeply tied to the regions they come from, reflecting the biodiversity of their unique terroirs.

Nevertheless, when it comes to taste and flavor, the French have very refined palates and are also very demanding.

Although the market has been flooded with cheeses made from pasteurized milk, French cheese lovers still remain loyal to raw milk and are conscientious in their tasting habits.

Also read: 4 Common Types of Animal’s Milk Used to Make Cheese

This is Why the French Love Raw Milk Cheese

The French love raw milk cheeses because of their natural flavor. Raw milk cheese has NOT undergone thermal treatment, so it still contains the bacterial floras that help to develop aromas during ripening.

The cultural significance of these cheeses cannot be overstated. In France, raw milk cheeses like Camembert and Chabichou are seen as symbols of cultural identity. Each cheese tells a story of its region, its history, and the people who have crafted it by hand for generations.

For France, defending and protecting these techniques also means preserving its gastronomic heritage.

The AOC is also about consumer protection – protecting consumers’ right to a diversity of flavors amid the flood of industrialized, pasteurized products that bring blanding flavors and standardization.

Also read: The History of Cheese 101 (TIMELINE AND FACTS)

Does France Produce the Best Cheese?

Good cheese can be found everywhere, regardless if it is made with raw milk or pasteurized milk.

Flavor, though, is a subjective matter. To say that France makes the best cheese would be incredibly misleading.

However, what the French have is a past and regional tradition anchored in their terroir.

France highly emphasizes the unique importance of a landscape’s soil and climate, the local conditions that affect sensitive agricultural products such as milk, wine, meat, vegetables, and cheese.

France is fortunate that the scope and variety of this terroir, between mountains and plains, enables them to enjoy an extremely diverse range of cheeses, perhaps the most diverse in the world I’d say.

Also read: Goat Cheese vs. Cow Cheese (THE DIFFERENCES)

The Controversy Over Raw Milk Cheese

But, like any great story, there is conflict. With the advent of pasteurization, the production of raw milk cheese has become a controversial issue. Pasteurization, while making dairy products safer, can also strip milk of its unique flavors. In France, however, the tradition of raw milk cheese-making has been preserved, thanks in part to rigorous safety standards and an unwavering commitment to quality.

Despite this, raw milk cheese isn’t without its risks. Before pasteurization, raw milk consumption was linked with serious diseases like typhoid and scarlet fever. Today, while safety standards have improved, there is still a small risk of foodborne illness.

Still, for many, the rewards outweigh the risks. The flavors of raw milk cheese are incomparable, reflecting the changing seasons and the unique terroir in a way that pasteurized cheeses simply can’t.


Visitors to France looking to embark on a raw milk cheese adventure should start with classics like Camembert de Normandie, Roquefort, and Comté. These cheeses showcase the depth and range of flavors that raw milk can provide. Specialty cheese shops across France, from bustling Parisian fromageries to small-town markets in Provence, offer an array of raw milk cheeses waiting to be discovered.

Fun fact: The regions of lowest cheese production in France are those along the Atlantic Ocean. Their grass is scarcer and livestock breeding is rarer.

In conclusion, raw milk cheese is more than just a culinary delight. It’s a testament to France’s rich history and cultural diversity, a symbol of regional pride, and a celebration of artisanal craftsmanship.

Despite the potential risks and regulatory challenges, the tradition of raw milk cheese-making endures, offering a taste of France’s terroir in its most delicious form.

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